Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Republicans win in Massachussetts
In the midterm Congressional elections, there is another phenomenon, this time taking place in the Republican Party. As both parties gravitate towards their ideological extremes, the huge middle, which Barack Obama successfully harnessed in his bid to be the first African American President, has allegiance to neither party. Many of the Republicans running for the open House seats, and some governors, do not have the blessing of the Republican National Committee and therefore do not have access to national funds. While these candidates do use the Internet and other means to raise money, the big story is that many of the grass roots organizers for the Republican party are the so-called Tea Party Activists who detest big government and government meddling into people's personal lives.
The significance of this is that the precinct captain is the one responsible for getting out the vote, registering voters and mobilizing the local political machinery to support a particular candidate. Although the Tea Party activists care little about their neighbors friends, their desire for small government outweighs their desire for the government to keep its nose out of their affairs; so many of them are running as Republicans. Tea Party activists are signing up for the precinct captain positions and are usually unopposed. So the Tea Party activists are enlisting like minded people to register and vote for other Tea Party activists with the means to finance an election or the technical saavy to fund raise through the Internet.
While the Democrats transformed the Democratic Party from the top down, the Republican Party is being transformed from the bottom up. This does mean that in areas with a strong Tea Party presence, the Republicans actually have a chance to win a Congressional Seat, even though the candidate is not "officially endorsed" by the RNC. Eventually some of the more successful Tea Party activists will work their way up the Republican Party and may start a shift in the party ideology towards the center. If this happens, expect the Republicans to gain control of Congress perhaps as soon as 2012.
How did the Democrats let this happen? Sometimes you get too cocky if you are successful. Perhaps their Congressional victories in 2008, along with capturing the White House pushed the Democrats to be too exhuberant about their victories. Essentially they took the independents for granted and assumed that the independents would rather vote Democrat than Republican when push came to shove. Some independents will continue to vote for the Democrats because they value their privacy in personal affairs more than they do fiscal responsibility. Obviously, the voters in Massachussetts preferred fiscal responsibility to social liberalism.
When a state that voted Democrat by 26 points in the last election chooses a Republican Senator, it is time for the Democrats to wake up and halt their slide to the leftist fringes of the party. Just as allowing the fringe to dictate the Republican agenda in the 2008 Presidential campaign doomed any Republican chances of winning any contested election, allowing the fringes of the Democratic party to dictate their agenda will cost them seats in the House of Representatives; they just lost their filibuster proof majority in the Senate. It is time to wake up.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
New Years Resolution
January 1 has come and gone and no doubt many people celebrated. 2009 was not a year to remember, with one of the highest unemployment rates in modern history, a war in Iraq and now Afghanistan and record deficits. 2009 did see one historic event: the inauguration of the nation’s first African American President. No matter what one thinks of the job he is doing, it is a historic event worth congratulating ourselves as a nation.
As always with New Years, many people, myself included, make a list of Resolutions. Among the top is to join a gym to become healthier or lose weight. Gym rats notice one thing that happens every year: about a week after January 1, the gym is crowded. The week before they had the whole gym to themselves, even at 5:00 PM, one of the peak times of gym useage. This week and for the next 12 weeks, they have to wait for everything, especially treadmills and showers. Then in March, the membership dwindles to pre-January levels and the gym rats no longer have to wait and the newcomers, having just laid down a year’s fees either prepayment or a contract cease to show up.
Before laying down hard earned money on a gym membership, think of Fido, there greeting you everyday, tail wagging as you walk through the door. Fido is the perfect workout companion: no waiting for the treadmill, smaller carbon footprint, always ready at the door and is satisfied just to get out of the house and be with packmates. If your goal is weight control, walking is among the best exercises. It is also easy on your joints and requires almost nothing in startup costs – just a good pair of shoes. Of course, Fido has to catch up on canine gossip during your walk. Once he catches up, he stops sniffing flower beds and happily walks with you.
But, your doctor told you that you needed 20 minutes of elevated heart rate. Walking just doesn’t cut it? If Fido is trained to not pull on a leash, here are a few suggestions to increase the intensity of your walk:
- Add a few minute jog interspersed with walking. Fido loves this variation as most dogs love to run, even if they aren’t sporting dogs or don’t have a joint problem.
- March, with high knees, like the Germans did in the old World War II movies. Do this for a few minutes, again interspersed with walking.
- If your dog’s leash has two hooks, attach the other hook to your belt and with a set of 1-lb weights around your wrist, extend your wrists up over your head and move them down to your side and up again. Do this a few times. For larger dogs, attaching the leash to a weight lifting belt works better as those offer more support for your back.
- Vary your pace with walking. This not only raises your heart rate, but keeps Fido mentally alert as she now has to pay attention to you.
- If you live near a park with a par course, visit each station and do the exercise on the station. Of course Fido has to be under voice control in order to do this.
What if Fido is not sufficiently leash trained, pulls or otherwise does not pay as much attention to you as you would like? One training method that works for most dogs is the “red light/green light” method. Dogs naturally pull and do so because it works: they get to go where they want. To stop this unwanted behaviour, keep the dog guessing which way “forward” is. At the first sign of pulling, stop and wait. When the dog stops pulling, start walking again. If the dog still pulls after doing this a few times, then escalate to the next level- at the first sign of pulling, stop and turn around. Keep doing this and after a few times, the dog stops pulling because she no longer knows which way is forward.
Training a dog to follow the leash is a good next step in a dog’s training. Too often, dogs that are not sufficiently trained in this skill dart off to the other side and what happens to you? As you pick up speed, your feet get caught in the leash and you fall flat on your face. Outside of feeling like a fool, you may suffer a skinned knee or if you fall hard enough, actually bruise a bone. Your dog benefits from the demands of learning a new skill and you bond with your dog. Walking back and forth on the same piece of sidewalk may not sound like a lot of exercise; it’s not if you do this only a few times. If you are out there walking back and forth for 30 minutes, that is equivalent to a 30 minute walk and your dog will be tired at the end of the walk.
Bonding with your dog instead of waiting in line for a treadmill sounds like a better use of your limited time, doesn’t it? Moreover, since you don’t have to drive anywhere, you are more likely to carry through with the exercise program. If you add the marches, the short jogs, the par course and the exaggerated arm swings, you will increase your metabolic rate due to increase in lean tissue. At the end of March, both you and your dog will be closer and you will smile at your image in the mirror because you actually carried through with the weight loss resolution you made on January 1.